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Thursday, March 15, 2012

My camera my family

I remember this day it was a happy day but also a sad day , because after church I had to take my son to the airport and send him away .Hated it but the time we where all together was always awesome.That day after I dropped him at the plane I was devistated.So I decided to go home the home I had as a child. so I drove to Fort Erie and to my Grama and Grandpa Teals house the one that my aunt Charlene lives in.I stayed with them in the same house I remember from my childhood the same notty wood cabnets the same basement the same smells my goodness talk about a sensery over load. Well I slept in that house that night and I can tell you that till this day I had the best sleep I have ever had.It was like being in the most safest place I had been in since I was a little girl. I really have horrible sleep I never sleep good ever I wake up exhausted angry and not wanting to wake up but not that night.Any how it was a great adventure and after words I drove up the Niagra river and ha dso many memories .When my grandparents would take us to church on Sunday and after take us for a sunday drive and granpa would give us all a stick of juicy fruit gum.I really remember this,like it was yesturday


  1. I remember you loving the smell of the basement, because basement is not my favorite smell. Maybe that is because my parents didn't have a basement.

    1. True I still love that smell musty old and cozy when ever I smell that smell it just always reminds me of my grandparents the teals and their house it just reminds me of being little and home
