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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

More the legacy

I have allot more of these if you want me to send them I will do my best to do that for you .Love Kathy

Teals legacy


  • I find this blog thing hard to do but when I set my mind to do it I feel well happy.It helps when I look through my pictures, at the times and people who have meant so much to me .I see the people that are so much a part of me ,and the soft spots I have been giving to land on . The quite moments of anticipation the moments I have had learned to hold on to the beauty  around me that I had forgotten was there .To sit back and quietly watch the magic of love in a room full of people I at one time forgotten existed, the rooms the moments that hold so much glitter and gold .I love my life I have the best life I have a life I never thought I would have .I still whine a bit then I kick myself for it, ashamed I am for the moment of poor poor me .Ha what a pathetic thing when I have been given so much .A soft spot a quite spot a place to hold on to so many  moments memories and lovely inspiration. 


Friday, April 6, 2012


It is the day we give thanks for it is the breath that we take that reminds us we are alive.
 It is the resurrection of our lord and saviour that we celebrate a day called Easter.
 Its funny how it all got away from it the eggs the bunnies the candy the cloths the food all of it has nothing really to do with what is really all about.
 These images are just a small reminder of what Easter is about the gift that God gave us .HIS ONLY son wow .
 The glory of Gods creation is there every day for us to see feel smell and enjoy.Please let us not forget the things we do not see.  Lord continue to remind us of your greatest gift.
The gift of ever lasting life in your arms,we struggle to be there we need to be there .That is our desire to be at peace to be strong to follow your commandments,to be less than human and more like you.Thank you lord for your promise your gifts .Only give me strength to be better.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

those little things

These little things

I've been contemplating this blog for a couple of hours now.You know how the expression don't let the little thing get to you ,goes. Well in my life ignoring those little things always seem to bite me in my well lets say my nose. Those little things always ended up becoming big things . Its funny though I have always loved little things because well they where little.Little representations of big things .As in real life collecting little things is the same kinda thing as ignoring life's little things. You end up with a whole bunch of little things without the mess. Any how maybe it makes sense maybe not .I just found it an interesting thought as I was looking through my collection ,of well my little things.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

My camera my family

I remember this day it was a happy day but also a sad day , because after church I had to take my son to the airport and send him away .Hated it but the time we where all together was always awesome.That day after I dropped him at the plane I was devistated.So I decided to go home the home I had as a child. so I drove to Fort Erie and to my Grama and Grandpa Teals house the one that my aunt Charlene lives in.I stayed with them in the same house I remember from my childhood the same notty wood cabnets the same basement the same smells my goodness talk about a sensery over load. Well I slept in that house that night and I can tell you that till this day I had the best sleep I have ever had.It was like being in the most safest place I had been in since I was a little girl. I really have horrible sleep I never sleep good ever I wake up exhausted angry and not wanting to wake up but not that night.Any how it was a great adventure and after words I drove up the Niagra river and ha dso many memories .When my grandparents would take us to church on Sunday and after take us for a sunday drive and granpa would give us all a stick of juicy fruit gum.I really remember this,like it was yesturday